
Making Pasive Income With Affiliate Marketing

People start their business in affiliate marketing for various reasons. However, the most popular reason may probably that they would like to make passive income steadily. It will even be more excellent if they can do it without putting a lot of effort on it. In fact, it can be done under the framework of residual affiliate marketing.

Normally, when you join an affiliate program, you will put the affiliate links on your website. When a visitor to your site follows the link to the service provider and make some purchases, you will get a portion of the profit.

It will be a bit different if it is a residual affiliate marketing program. One of the major characteristic of such programs is that they will new the customers to renew their membership if they would like to continue to use the services. And you can also get paid when the member renew their subscription. This is the beauty of residual programs. You will have a chance to make passive income steadily once you direct your visitors to the service providers.

At this point you will understand that how you can make passive income without putting any effort on it. There are plenty of affiliate programs which are of the residual nature and you can join these programs in order to make money steadily.

Yet it is not totally guaranteed that you can make money steadily. You will only get the commission for the first month of subscription if the members cancel the subscription. And whether they will cancel the services will depend on the quality of the products and services. As you may know, you will have no control on the products and services.

However, you are able to choose which program to join. You can join programs that offer excellent services or products to the customers. In this case the chance of canceling subscriptions will be lower. Consequently, you should only like to websites which provide quality services.

At the very beginning, you can join programs which sell vitamins or medicines. They are usually of higher price and the companies behind will be more likely to be well branded. And the will ensure that the members to keep using the services or products.

Of course it will be impossible to really make money without doing anything thing. You will need to work a bit at the first stage in order to attract the visitors to subscribe. After you have done that, you can really sit back and make money without doing anything.


Anne Ahira and Asian Brain | Information on Anne Ahira Dewi

Both Anne Ahira and Asian Brain, are the names you should be familiar with if you are an Indonesian internet community. She is a full time internet marketer and teaching others about how to make money online.

Her non formal internet marketing education program is named Asian Brain. The success story of her ability to make money on the internet isn’t without any hard work and sacrifice. It took almost 2 years of time and more than $20.000 of her hard-earned money from teaching Indonesian language to some expatriate worker in Indonesia to finally produce her first check of $8. Born on 28 November of 1979 from an ordinary people, her hard work and dreams of being able to work from the comfort of her own home finally paid off. She is now an internet millionaire.

I’m writing about Anne Ahira because I’m in fact one of her student and how I felt and think about it.

Ok, here goes.

When I started learning from Asian Brain, the negative image about Anne Ahira are already spreading on the internet but I gather all my courage to try her internet education program because I’m really curious about it. I read the sales letter thoroughly and clear my mind from all the prejudices. Any sign of fraud? Nope, the address written there are true, the phone number are working well, any email inquiries got responded quite quickly. So I made up my mind and sign up to learn from Anne Ahira and Asian Brain.

For those who are still have doubt about it (either about fraud, Multi Level Scheme accusation, or relation with Elite Team or FFSI etc) maybe can read a good argument here (unfortunately it’s in Indonesian though, maybe I’ll rewrite it for you in the future).
Now, some of you maybe have thought that all of the material thought on Asian Brain can be found on the net for free. So why would I happily pay for it? (well to be honest I would be even be happier if it was free). The answer I can give you is, too much information are available on the internet and I honestly confused about which information is valid and useful. And here are the true value of Hira and Asian Brain IMC, filtering all the information and also translating it to Indonesian language, since many of her student are not fully capable of using English.

The materials taught in her AB IMC is easy to understand, the writing is made for beginner who is still ‘blank’ about the topics. And not just ebook, there’s also audio training and video training, and Live Conference feature.

Being incapable of creating website and monetizing it at the beginning, now I’m already making significant income on the net. I won’t brag around about how much money I’ve made because I personally think that not how to measure success. And the things that I learned there are not just about money, but also mindset and attitude. Also ask many of her student about her personality, many people said bad things about her and she still said positive things about them, saying that they are nice people and she believe that those people are meant good, just not completely well informed about her.

No sign of hatred come from her. Simply amaze me, she truly is honest, humble, and kind-hearted, unlike any negative comments written about her.
I asked myself and said I’m just grateful that I decided to learn from Anne Ahira here at Asian Brain IMC. An investment really worth the money and time I should say.
Sumber: Arisanto Gani Pratama


Belajar Memulai Bisnis Internet Dengan Affiliate Marketing

Selama ini, bisa jadi Anda adalah satu dari miliaran orang yang setiap hari online di dunia maya. Dan Anda, bisa jadi juga adalah salah satu di antara miliaran orang yang sangat akrab dengan e-mail, chatting, atau browsing.
Tapi sayang, sangat sedikit dari miliaran orang itu yang optimal menggunakan internet, terlebih di Indonesia. Padahal bisa saja internet menjadi mesin pencetak uang yang sanggup mendatangkan ratusan bahkan ribuan dollar (bukan lagi Rupiah!!).

Apa Itu Affiliate Marketing?

Bila Anda ingin memulai suatu bisnis di internet, Anda harus paham mengenai Affiliate Marketing. Karena dalam menjalankan bisnis internet dan untuk mendapatkan penghasilkan dari internet tidak lepas dari affiliate marketing. Jadi Apa itu Affiliate Marketing ? Penjelasan affiliate marketing sangat sederhana yaitu memasarkan produk orang lain dan mendapatkan komisi dari perjualan produk tersebut.Jadi untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, Anda tidak selalu harus memiliki produk Anda sendiri untuk Anda jual di internet, Anda bisa memasarkan produk orang lain dengan bergabung dalam program affiliate yang diselenggarakan oleh website orang tersebut.

Tipe Pendapatan Program Affiliate

1. PPS (Pay Per Sale)
Anda mendapatkan uang (komisi) bila orang yang anda referensikan membeli produk pemilik program affiliate. Komisi anda didapat dari setiap penjualan yang terjadi, bila tidak terjadi penjualan, anda tidak mendapatkan komisi.

2. PPL (Pay Per Lead)
Anda mendapatkan komisi bila orang yang anda referensikan mendaftar menjadi "free member" atau calon prospek dari pemilik program affiliate dan biasanya bila nantinya "free member" tersebut menjadi "subscribe member" atau membeli produk pemilik program affiliate, maka anda mendapatkan tambahan komisi lagi berdasarkan penjualan produk (PPS).

3. PPC (Pay Per Click)
Anda akan mendapatkan uang (komisi) bila orang hanya melakukan klik saja. contohnya google adsense merupakan program PPC, setiap klik iklan pada google adsense, anda mendapatkan komisi. Setelah menjadi anggota Google Adsense, di website Anda akan muncul iklan-iklan yang relevan dengan konten website Anda. Bila ada pengunjung yang mengklik iklan ini, maka Anda mendapat komisi dari Google Adsense. Semakin banyak pengunjung yang mengklik iklan tersebut, maka komisi Anda (dalam bentuk US Dolar) akan semakin banyak.
Jika pengunjung sudah banyak, tentu iklan-iklan di website Anda akan dilihat oleh lebih banyak orang. Kemungkinan iklan-iklan tersebut di-klik pun semakin besar. Dengan demikian, potensi penghasilan Anda dari Google Adsense pun semakin besar.
4. PPP (Pay Per Play) New!!!!!!!
Anda akan mendapatkan uang (komisi) bila ada orang yang mengunjungi website / blog anda tanpa harus melakukan pembelian atau mengklik iklan melalui link anda. Pengunjung tidak perlu mengklik apapun di website anda, yang harus mereka lakukan adalah mendengarkan iklan audio (Audio Advertising) hanya selama 5 detik saja!! maka anda akan mendapatkan bayaran (komisi). Anda juga akan mendapatkan komisi tambahan jika anda mereferensikan website lain untuk memasang iklan Audio seperti yang anda lakukan di website anda. Bahkan hingga 3 level referensi (get paid on 3rd Tier commission). Penjelasan lebih lanjut KLIK DISINI

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