
5 Tips to Maximize Your Affiliate Programs

“What are affiliate programs? Isn’t it just another get-rich quick plot or some hocus-pocus that’s all a scam?”

Affiliate programs (also known as referral/associate programs) are legitimate and not get-rich-quick scams. It’s a simple concept: Earn commission for each sale you make. As a matter of fact, even big guys like launched affiliate programs to fuel their sales and to increase their brand, hence that further proves my point that affiliate programs aren’t scams.
Promoting affiliate programs can provide you with a good extra income or even a full time income online.To help you maximize your profit promoting affiliate programs, I've provided the following tips to help you successfully market your affiliate programs more effectively to your site's visitors.
1. Publish an e-zine.
Running an e-zine will allow you to run prime position ads for your affiliate programs in every issue you publish, and is the #1 way for you to follow up with your site's visitors.You can also easily increase your commissions by sending out special announcements to your subscriber base whenever one of the affiliate programs you promote is offering a special bonus or a special limited time offer.Once you build up your circulation you can further increase your profits by charging for ad space in your publication.
2. Use a pop up on your site that promotes your e-zine.
Using a pop up as a well as a subscription e-mail or form on your site can substantially increase the number of your visitors that subscribe to your publication.Your pop up will draw your visitors' attention right to your e-zine, and if you offer your visitors free bonuses for subscribing to your e-zine such as free ebooks or free ads you can further increase the number of visitors who subscribe to your publication.
3. Offer free e-mail workshops (e-mail courses) to your visitors.
Making e-mail workshops will enable you to effectively promote one or several affiliate programs that offer products that relate to the subject of your workshop.Many affiliate programs provide their affiliates with articles to post on their sites or run in their e-zines which you can use to successfully form the different parts of your workshop.If you already write articles, you can easily use your own articles to form the different parts of your workshop and transform your articles into yet another powerful marketing tool.To get the most out of your e-mail workshops, offer your workshops both on your site and by using a pop up, and use your workshops to increase subscriptions to your e-zine as well as repeat visitors your website.
4. Publish your articles on your site.
Posting your articles on your site is a great way to continually add content to your site and draw more repeat visitors.To successfully use your articles to promote affiliate programs offer a free e-mail workshop in your resource box or use your resource box to promote your e-zine.This will provide you with an effective way to successfully follow up with your prospects when your articles get published as well as when your visitors read your articles.
5. Offer free ebooks on your site.
Many affiliate programs provide their affiliates with ebooks they can rebrand with their unique affiliate URL and these can be used as an effective marketing tool.The best way to promote your affiliate programs with ebooks, however, is to make your own ebooks.If you write your own articles, you can create a unique promotional item by making an ebook compilation of your articles with links to affiliate programs you promote.You can also create a best of compilation of your e-zine's top issues to drive more subscriptions to your publication or if you make e-mail workshops you can transform these into your ebooks content.To further increase your profits, offer your ebooks as a free bonus or part of a free bonus for subscribing to your e-zine, and/or allow your visitors to rebrand your ebook with a link to their own business, affiliate program or opportunity.


Simple Strategies to Becoming a Successful Internet Marketer

Now that the idea of doing business over the internet has been firmly established, many potential internet businessmen are searching for the best way to do business. Usually the choice comes down to whether you want to set up your own business and online store, or sign up for an affiliate program or the other says affiliate marketing.
Affiliate programs uses a simple concept for you to create an income online: Earn commissions when you make a sale. You don't need to worry about the costs for setting up the business nor advertising. It costs zero!
So you've decided you want to become an affiliate marketing? If you are the new person, or the person who is floundering in affiliate Marketing, this article will offer you some simple strategies to becoming a successful affiliate marketer from an affiliate program.
Affiliate marketing experts often make an income that can tally over five figures per month, however only 1 to 5% of thousands of marketers achieve this level. When an affiliate reaches this elite level they are often referred to as a "super" affiliate.

How does one become a super affiliate? Can anyone do it? Super affiliates have common tactics that they embrace and put into place. Anyone can become a super affiliate, but it will not come without blood, sweat, and a hefty time commitment. The typical super affiliate possesses the following traits:
1. Persistence
2. Patience
3. Thirst for Knowledge
These three traits combined with the following strategy gives you the formula for the makings of a "super" affiliate.

1. Find a Unique Niche
The mistake that many affiliate marketing hopefuls have in common is that they try to offer everything under the sun rather than focusing on a specific niche market. Do not scatter your efforts, focus on your niche, promote it, and sell it well.

2. Search Engine Optimizations (SEO)
Once you've built your affiliate storehouse you will need to promote it. Many affiliates use pay-per-click engines. I suggest that you learn how to achieve organic search results or hire a search engine marketing company. This will save you from spending all your profits on pay-per-click engines. Only use pay-per-click engines if you know what you are doing, otherwise all your profits may end in the hands of Google Adwords or Overture.

3. Know Your Product, Know Your Audience
Create a resource. By taking the time to learn about the products and/or services that you are offering you can create information that builds your credibility. That credibility builds trust. If your viewers do not have trust in you more than likely they will not purchase from your storehouse. If you want more information on the psychological process that an online buyer goes through I suggest that you read this article on the Five Levels of Internet Marketing and the Sales Process. This will help you in creating a web site that converts well, which in return will increase your cash flow.

4. Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Promote products from different merchants. This way if you have a problem with receiving payment from a merchant, or their products do not convert well the effects on your business will be minimal. Watch out for exclusivity agreements; remember this is your business. Protect yourself and diversify so that you do not feel the famine effect if something goes wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with promoting niche products from different merchants.

5. Seek Knowledge and Embrace Change
If you are familiar with Internet marketing at all you know that what worked three months ago may not work today. Stay on top of the trends. Seek knowledge, start by learning something new about affiliate marketing daily. To be a "super" affiliate you must always spend time reading, learning, and embracing the changes in Internet marketing.

6.Don't Give Up
It's hard to do, and most of the time those dabbling in affiliate marketing give up way too soon. Monitor your statistics, watch to see what is working and what is not. Make changes when necessary. Do one thing daily to promote your storehouse and be patient. Before you know it you will start getting payments.
Remember that it will not happen overnight. Encompass and develop the persistence, patience, and knowledge. Then follow the tactics I've mentioned above and you are on your way to becoming a "super" affiliate.


7 Tips to Choosing a Successful Affiliate Program

By: David McKenzie

When selecting an affiliate program to join you need to know how to choose a successful affiliate program. Look in the wrong place and you might find a dud but look in the right place and you might be on to a winner. Here are 7 tips to help you choose a successful affiliate program to join:

1. Look at This is the ‘affiliate central' of affiliate programs. You can virtually guarantee to find a successful program here and you can choose from tons of subject areas.

2. Look at Nearly every product they have for sale has an affiliate program. Many of them are extremely good and most pay very high commissions. (some over 50%)

3. Affiliate resource sites usually offer their best affiliate programs. As affiliate resources sites are specialists in affiliate programs you can be pretty sure of choosing a successful affiliate program from them.

4. Look for affiliate programs that are offered through any ezines you receive. Chances are the ezine owner has an affiliate program and if they have a good ezine they probably will have a good affiliate program.

5. Think of things that ALWAYS sell. Like web site design, ebooks, music and travel. Stick to proven online sellers and the affiliate program will have a much greater chance of being successful.

6. Seek out articles on affiliate programs. There are many good writers out there who have been successful with affiliate programs. Try to find articles they have written to see what has worked for them.

7. Take courses. Many sites offer free online email courses for affiliates. Take some of these courses to learn more about what it takes to be a successful affiliate. Affiliate programs are a great way to make money but one of the secrets to affiliate success is to choose the right program in the first place.

Use these 7 tips to help you succeed.


Who is the richest woman on earth ( Wanita terkaya di Dunia)?

Menyinggung soal siapa manusia terkaya di bumi, setiap orang pasti tahu sosok yang namanya Bill Gates. Si bos Microsoft ini memang sudah divonis menjadi manusia terkaya di dunia selama 13 tahun terakhir ini. Dari data terakhir tahun 2007, pria berusia 51 tahun ini telah mengumpulkan 53 Milliar USD. Tapi siapa wanita terkaya di bumi, mungkin banyak orang yang belum tahu.

Menurut majalah Forbes, ada dua wanita yang menduduki rangking tertinggi sebagai wanita terkaya di dunia. Mereka adalah Alice Walton (56), putri dari Sam Walton sang pendiri Wal-Mart, dengan kekayaan 18 Milliar USD, dan Helen Walton (85), janda dari Sam. Perkiraan kekayaan bersih dari Helen Walton juga mencapai 18 MilliarUSD.

Liliane Bettencourt (82), putri dari Eugene Schueller, sang pendiri L’Oreal, berada diurutan ketiga wanita terkaya di dunia, dengan kekayaan 17.2 Milliar USD. Liliane sekarang tinggal di Perancis.
Sembilan dari 50 orang terkaya di dunia adalah wanita. Wanita paling kaya atas hasil jerih payah sendiri adalah Rosalia Mera (61) dari Spanyol, dengan kekayaan 3.4 Milliar USD. Rosalia Mera memulai bisnisnya dengan membuat gaun dan lingerie.
Lalu bagaimana dengan Oprah? Ternyata ratu media ini hanya memiliki 1.3 Milliar USD. Tidak terlalu buruk memang, tapi terpaut cukup jauh dari wanita-wanita Walton tentunya. Penulis Novel Harry Potter, J.K.Rowling, masih kalah dari Oprah, hanya memiliki 1 Milliar USD.
Yang cukup mengejutkan adalah ternyata manusia terkaya di China adalah seorang wanita, bernama Yan Cheung (49), memiliki 2.4 Milliar USD.
Bagaimana dengan wanita – wanita Indonesia?
By Rudy Susanto
